The Croydon Guardian scored a victory for motorists in New Addington after workers were drafted in to fill a “tank trap” sized hole.

The massive pot hole in New Addington’s Fieldway was forcing motorists to slam on their brakes or swerve to miss it to avoid damaging their cars.

MP Andrew Pelling said: “Two days after the Croydon Guardian reported the Parkway, New Addington tank trap pothole; the whole roadway was completely dug up and fully repaired showing that campaigning local journalism for the sake of the community still lives.

“Thank you for backing Parkway residents and the short quick campaign that I ran.

“Well done to our town's popular community newspaper the who scored another result for its local readership.”

Councillor Phil Thomas, Cabinet Member for environment and highways, said: “This pot hole is nothing to do with a lack of resources as this road is being resurfaced today (Friday.)

“This was arranged even before Mr Pelling decided to email the Guardian to try to make his normal opportunist response to anything he can make political capital out of.

“It is a shame that he does not contact the Council when he sees any potholes, like most other residents do in the borough.

“We encourage residents to let us know of any street scene problems around the borough so that we can get them fixed.”

Do you have any enormous pot holes in your road? Let us know in the comments section below or call the newsdesk on 020 8330 9558