Proposals to erect a temporary swimming pool and gym on the car park next to Streatham’s Rookery were met with hostility at last week’s Hub public meeting.

Streatham’s leisure centre remains closed indefinitely but Councillor Rachel Heywood, Lambeth cabinet member for culture and communities, suggested an alternative facility could be constructed in as little as eight weeks once planning permission is granted.

The idea is in its early stages, but even if Lambeth Council thrashes out a deal with Tesco to part-fund the £3m repair bill for the current leisure centre, it is likely to stay closed until at least 2013.

A temporary pool of 20m to 25m, a gym with up to 60 stations and dance studios would have a life span of between two and three years.

But many at the meeting jeered the suggestion, claiming the proposed facilities were inadequate and the Rookery an inappropriate location.