Surrey is one of the leading councils for providing information to older people needing help with personal budgets.

That is according to a survey by leading disability charity, Livability, which rated Surrey County Council as the top local authority in the south-east for getting vital information to those with disabilities.

Councillor Michael Gosling said: “This is a reflection of the huge effort we have made, and will continue to make, to ensure people get the information they need on having more choice and control over their lives.

“At Surrey, we are committed to making sure people get the support they need to live independently and will continue to do everything possible to help them stay in their own homes.”

The areas the council has focused on include providing clearer signposting to sections about carers on the website, and a dedicated telephone number to give people quick access to information.

The council also put an expert team of advisers into the contact centre and gave social care staff more in-depth training.

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