A free K9 Awareness Day for dogs and owners is being held in Nonsuch Park on Saturday, March 20.

Families can see and interact with well behaved dogs, and people will be on hand to answer question about problematic dogs. Information will be available about increase standards of canine care, handling and responsibility.

The event will raise money for animal charities including the RSPCA and Dogs Trust. There will be a two hour and a one hour sponsored walks around Nonsuch Park.

The K9 Awareness Day is being organised by the MD of Dog Whisperer World Limited, Bruce Clanford, who is hoping to raise £10,000 for a range of animal charities.

Mr Clanford said: “I am the only registered and qualified dog whisperer in the UK and have been studying and applying canine behaviour and training for 10 years, by training dogs, owners and staff.”

The event is due to start at 10am and is being opened by the Mayor of Epsom.