At Surbiton High School, life for GCSE students is busy, challenging, fun and enjoyable. 2010 has brought new opportunities for each and every one of the hormonal teens and one in particular is the opportunity that Year 10s have to write their own CV.

Writing a Curriculum Vitae seems incredibly daunting when you are 14/15; it requires brain power, good literacy and grammar etc. In fact, the whole of Year 10 sat in confusion when faced with the fact that this is what they would be doing in the next three weeks.

However, despite their worries and concerns, Year 10 are writing wonderfully composed CVs that will shine glowing yellow amongst CVs on Mr. Scary Man Employer’s desk in 10 years to come. The opportunity of writing a CV with guidance is very important because quite often, CVs are written poorly or laid out with no apparent structure and this does not get your hopeful plea into the open.

Year 10 at Surbiton High School would like to thank a certain Mrs. Rich for her guidance on CV writing and if you are reading this, Mrs. Rich, thank you indeed.