The Avenue Primary School pupils turned up extra early for a different kind of lesson this week and were shown how to keep their bicycles safe by officers from Sutton’s Safer Transport Team.

The young cyclists had their bikes photographed by the officers who then wrote the bike’s frame number on the reverse of the photograph - which can be used to help police recover the bike if it was stolen.

Officers also added each bike’s details to their new frame number database.

The visit was timed to coincide with the official opening of the new bike stores at the school, which won the Green Primary School of the Year at the Sutton Green Guardian Awards for its eco-friendly activities.

Sergeant Bryan Gibson, of the Safer Transport Team, said: "The opening of the new bike stores was a great opportunity for us to visit the school and explain to the youngsters about keeping their bikes safe.”

Teacher Alex Haxton said: “We have lots of pupils who want to cycle to school and who also want to be police officers! So they were very excited about the officers visiting.

“It’s good for the youngsters to know that police work widely in communities as well as arresting people for offences.”