Teachers will soon be giving ballroom dancing lessons to pupils.

Thirty teachers received Strictly Come Dancing style training from BBC ballroom stars Darren and Lilia’s company Essentially Dance The aim of the class, held at Greenshaw High School, is for teachers to perfect their knowledge of the cha cha, waltz, jive and the quick step before taking their new skills back to their classrooms to pass on to pupils during P.E. lessons.

It is hoped dancing will boost children's fitness levels and be popular among those who might not enjoy more traditional school sports like football and rounders.

It is designed to suit all personalities and abilities and help to ensure all children complete at least two hours of school sports every week.

Executive member for children, young people and learning services Coun Tony Brett-Young said: “Dancing is an excellent way to keep fit and, with the popularity of BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing programme, I am sure that the ballroom lessons will prove popular with children across the borough.

“At a time where childhood obesity is on the rise nationally and many children play computer games instead of playing in the park, such creativity with school sports is very welcome.”