Illegal music downloading is on the up - as more and more sites are allowing people to do so.

Illegal music downloading can come from any form of unauthorized distribution of music; from internet sites to computer programs etc.

Downloading music illegally is becoming increasing popular, especially from the younger generation - as there is now a variety of music on the market, and a wide range to chose from.

Illegal music downloading is the same as stealing. Not many people realise this, but if you are caught downloading music illegally, you can face penalties ranging from: fines, to even a prison sentence.

The music industry is now backing plans to shut down any sites that allow an individual to download music illegally. Although downloading music is seen as a crime, it is also seen as an offence towards the songwriters, artists, producers etc, who contribute to making the music we hear in today's society, as they see it as not only betraying their trust, but also their royalties and their liveihood.