A new youth service is to be launched to support gay, lesbian and bisexual young people.

The group, called NRG Croydon, is based on a model used by the Terrence Higgins Trust that has proved successful across the country.

Aimed at anyone under 21, the service is designed to help young people access sexual health services, get advice about coming out to friends and family, and organisers say it is also a way for them to get support from their peers.

A spokesman for the Terrence Higgins Trust said young gay, lesbian and bisexuals can experience bullying at school and youth clubs so NRG would provide them with a safe space.

The project is funded by Croydon Council, and members will be able to participate in activities such as writing and art.

Joshua Bradley, NRG youth worker for the Terrence Higgins Trust in Croydon, said: "We're really pleased to be involved in launching NRG here. It's so important that lesbian, gay and bisexual young people have somewhere they can meet others and just be themselves, without worrying about feeling different."

Councillor Louisa Woodley, cabinet member for education, youth and lifelong learning, said: "We want to ensure all teenagers, regardless of their sexuality, have support and access to information about their sexual and emotional health in an atmosphere where they feel comfortable.

"The Terrence Higgins Trust is the UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity and we are pleased to be working in partnership with it to provide this service. It has been successful in setting up dedicated LGB groups elsewhere and we have bought in its services for this exciting opportunity in Croydon, which will help to provide a complete network across south London."

Anyone who would like to join NRG Croydon should call Joshua on 07771 858057.