A New Addington man wrongly accused of being involved in Croydon's Euro 2004 football riots has lodged a formal complaint about the way he was treated by police.

Mark Suter, who was cleared of violent disorder by a jury on Friday, August 19, says officers assaulted him when he was arrested on June 13 last year.

He claims he was hit with a shield, elbowed while handcuffed and told to "shut up" when he asked officers to loosen the cuffs.

Now Mr Suter's claims are being investigated by a Metropolitan Police ethics directorate.

The 21-year-old landscape gardener said: "I made the complaint on the night I was arrested, but I was told that nothing could be done about it until after the trial had finished.

"I had scars on my wrists from where the handcuffs were so tight. I was assaulted."

Mr Suter and another defendant, 20-year-old Nicholas Gray of Ross Road, South Norwood, were both accused of taking part in the disturbances following England's defeat to France on June 13 last year.

Mr Suter was accused of throwing a bottle at police, which missed, then of throwing punches at them while Mr Gray was accused of exposing his bottom.

However, video footage failed to prove this and both defendants were cleared.

Mr Suter, who lives with his family in Godric Crescent, New Addington, added: "I am relieved it's all over. I've had this thing hanging over me for a year and it has affected my family.

"When I saw how long other people had been sentenced I was very scared that I could be facing a jail sentence for something I did not do.

"The CCTV clearly showed me walking with my friends, trying to get home. A minute later I was supposed to have committed violent disorder, although none of that was captured on camera. It wasn't me who threw that bottle."

Mr Suter's solicitor Henry Oghoetuoma, of McMillan Williams in New Addington, said: "Mr Suter was relieved his ordeal finally ended in the jury acquitting him.

"From the outset he has lodged his own complaint which has been sub judice. This will now be formally pursued and further legal proceedings are also envisaged."

Croydon police confirmed that Mr Suter's complaint is being investigated by the Metropolitan Police directorate of professional standards.