There were tears and celebrations when the anxious wait for results ended for Croydon's GCSE students as the envelopes were torn open last Thursday.

And many of Croydon's schools were celebrating some of their best ever results.

South Croydon's Haling Manor High School, Kendra Hall Road, saw a 100 per cent pass rate for the first time.

Deputy headteacher Peter Weir said: "Well done to all our students. We're pleased with their success and this bears testimony to their hard work over the last two years, as well as the excellent abilities and dedication of the teaching and support staff at Haling Manor High in preparing students so well for their exams. We're looking forward to even more progress next summer."

Individual successes at the school included Aaron Thompson, who gained 10 A* to C grades and 15-year-old Samantha Keenan who, despite being a year below the other students, passed English exams with a B and a C and earned a D grade in RE.

New Addington's senior school, Addington High, recorded its best ever results, with 40 per cent of pupils getting five or more A* to C grades.

And Harris City Technology College's headteacher Daniel Moynihan reported a carnival atmosphere on results day, as 91 per cent of pupils got five or more A* to C grades and all pupils passed at least five subjects.

Gladys Kauuma, proud mum of Whitgift pupil John Ddungu, said she was very happy with her son's results. The 16-year-old got 12 A* grades.

There was a double celebration for Jackie Brooks, from Merton Road, Croydon, whose twins, Jonathan and Marion Brooks-Bartlett, who study in Wandsworth, got seven A*s, 12 As, four Bs, and a C between them.

Teachers at Haling Manor said it is not just students who get nervous before results day.

Religious education teacher Mrs Roland, who has worked at the school for 25 years, said: "It is quite nerve-racking for teachers as well. You feel very happy for those pupils who have done well and sorry for those who have not done quite as well as they had hoped."

Colleges from around the area attended the school to talk to students who had not got their expected grades.

Staff also laid on food and drink in the cafeteria to make the pupils' last few hours at the school together memorable.

Students at Croydon's Continuing Education and Training Service (CETS) also received superb GCSE results.

The adult education service reported its best results, with 100 per cent of students getting A* to C grades in Spanish, Italian and French.

And many students actually got top marks, with 85 per cent of students who sat their Spanish GCSE and 90 per cent of those who took Italian being awarded an A* or A.

Russian also fared well, with a 100 per cent pass rate.

Councillor Louisa Woodley, cabinet member for education, youth and lifelong learning, said: "My congratulations go to all students and their tutors. Their hard work has really paid off.

"The outstanding results for French, Spanish, Italian and Russian goes to prove you can learn languages later on in life."

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