I totally agree with M Clancey's letter regarding plastic recycling (Croydon Guardian, August 17).

I also contacted Croydon Council several years ago regarding the recycling of plastics and received a similar response.

Since 1990, my family has been recycling our plastics in Bexhill during frequent visits there.

We then discovered that Asda's car park (Sutton Council), has a recycling centre which accepts plastics.

There is also a facility in the car park at Sainsbury's in Streatham (Lambeth Council), which accepts everything, including plastics and aerosol cans in one container.

Britain is now very far behind most other European countries with our recycling rates.

In fact, Croydon seems to be behind other boroughs generally.

So come on Croydon Council you tell us every month how well you are doing in Croydon Reports, so deal with the recycling problem, in particular the delivery of the wheelie bins.

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