Three of the borough's adult learners have proved age is no barrier to learning after gaining some of the top GCSE results in the country.

Hazel-Ann Wilson, who studied French at Croydon's Continuing Education and Training Service (CETS) found out she had not made a single faux pas in her exam earning her a 100 per cent mark and an A*.

She was one of only five out of 138,000 people in the country to achieve a 100 per cent mark.

The lifecoach said she sometimes found it difficult to fit in lessons around her day job but it had been worth the effort.

The 56-year-old, who lives with her husband in Norbury, said: "I took a language because I'm interested in communication.

"My business, GLD Associates, specialises in providing training programmes in non-verbal communications skills, so I decided to improve my own. I used to get frustrated when on holiday in France when I couldn't communicate with people. I learnt French at school but I let it slip. Now I've worked so hard I will definitely keep it up."

Helen Gordon studied Italian at Coombe Cliff CETS Centre, Croydon, and was awarded an A*. She, too, came in the top five scorers nationally.

Mrs Gordon, who lives with her husband in Purley, said it had been a tense few weeks as she had also been waiting for her daughter's A-level results.

She said: "The waiting is over and I'm pleased to say we both did very well.

"I've been learning Italian for a few years now. My sister-in-law is Italian and we visit quite often so it's good to be able to practise with her. I like to be able to speak the language of the country I''m visiting."

Fellow Coombe Cliff student Geraldine Purnell gained two A* in Spanish and Italian. The bilingual mum-of-one said: "I took up both languages about five years ago because I wanted a challenge and I certainly got one. At times it got a bit confusing but the teaching staff are excellent and the group was supportive too."

For more information on CETs go to or call 0870 5561630.