Hazel Mehmet has nominated her mum Ferda for the Croydon Champions Parent of the Year award. KIM THEOBALD speaks to Hazel to find out why her mum is so special.

Being a 12-year-old can be difficult you're not quite a teenager yet no longer a child.

But Hazel Mehmet, 12, believes she would not be where she is today without the love and support of her mum Ferda, who she has nominated for a Champions award.

Hazel celebrated her 12th birthday a couple of days ago but this has been overshadowed as she is currently without a school place for the new term which starts today.

Hazel says: "Whenever I have problems with school and making friends my mum is always there to talk to and always has the right answer.

"Mum has been helping me to think of what we can do about my school and we have decided to go for home schooling."

Hazel has been registered as a high priority case by Croydon Council and is currently on the waiting list for both Harris City Technology College and Westwood High School.

Hazel is hopeful that she will only have to wait a couple of weeks before starting her new school. "Until I hear from a school mum is going to school me from home. My mum helps me with everything, school work and any problems.

"If I have done something wrong she doesn't shout or jump to conclusions but she finds out why I did what I did. She always makes me feel good about myself."

Ferda, 36, is very proud of her daughter. "I was chuffed to think that she had thought to nominate me. I was impressed. I am very proud," she said.

Ferda recently split from her long-term partner and her daughters' father and this has been difficult on Hazel and her younger sister Leyla, seven.

She explains: "The children took it pretty badly."

Hazel is the first to see what her mum has been through saying: "I nominated my mum because she has been through so much. When I got really fed up she hasn't walked away. Words can't describe it; she's the best mum ever."

Hazel wrote on her nomination form: "I believe my mum should be Croydon Champions Parent of the Year because she is understanding, believes in me and has been through a lot.

"Me and my sister Leyla can be so annoying and get in the way but she always knows what to do.

"She is always there for girly heart-to-hearts.

"I love her."