Working with feet may not appeal to most people but reflexologist Pamela Winders is not put off. She tells SAMI MOKBEL how seeing people happy and relaxed after a session is what makes her job worthwhile.

After having a reflexology session 20 years ago Pamela Winders was inspired to learn how to perform the therapy.

Leaving her job as a financial adviser Pamela studied to become a qualified reflexologist and has been working for the past four years.

Reflexology is a form of complementary health which can be used to remedy problems such as back pain, arthritis, migraines and even hay fever.

It works on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet and hands which correspond to every part of the body.

By stimulating and applying pressure to the feet or hands, you increase circulation and promote specific bodily and muscular functions.

Pamela says the idea of helping people is what encouraged her to train in the profession.

"I love the idea of helping people and that is why I decided to become a reflexologist. I have quite a few clients who've had strokes and to see them get feeling back in their feet is very rewarding for me."

Pamela, who works at Purley Chiropody in Russell Hill Parade, Purley, says many of her clients come to her after feeling the effects of work-related stress. And after working in the City as a financial adviser she understands what they are going through.

"Working in the City can become very stressful so I can really empathise with clients that come to me with stress related problems.

"It's nice to be able to help them because I know how stressful working under pressure can be."

While many people may find working with feet to be their worst nightmare, Pamela is not deterred.

"You do got the odd feet that smell but it is not a problem as I can just wipe them down with the wet wipes.

"It is really not a problem I just like to concentrate on making sure my clients are relaxed."

And Pamela says her treatments are so relaxing many of her clients fall asleep during a session.

"Plenty of my clients fall asleep during treatment because they are so relaxed, but that's great.

"Though I do have to nudge them gently at the end of the session to wake them up.

"My hands don't really hurt after giving treatment, but reflexology can get quite emotionally intense so I'm more mentally drained at the end of a day."