Two wartime friends have been reunited after 60 years, thanks to the Croydon Guardian.

Ken Williams and John Bishop, both 79, have not seen each other since 1945 but didn't know that the other lived just a few miles away until their favourite local newspaper put them in touch.

When Ken spotted his old friend in the Croydon Guardian a few weeks ago, he contacted the newsroom to see if we could help.

John Bishop had been nominated for a Croydon Champions award for his conservation voluntary work with the Friends of Foxley Woods.

"I saw his name and picture and thought he looked familiar," said Ken, of Selsdon Park Road. "When I saw his age I thought it might be him."

The pair were in touch by telephone but getting them to meet in person proved a little trickier, due to Ken's lack of transport and John's hip and back complaints.

So on Monday the Croydon Guardian picked Ken up from his home in Selsdon and drove him to John's house in Kenmore Road, Kenley.

"I recognised him as soon as he walked through the door," said John. "It's wonderful to see him after all these years."

"He hasn't changed a bit," laughed retired engineer Ken, dad-of-two and grandfather-of-seven. "To think we lived so close to each other all this time and didn't know it."

Then known by their nicknames Bish' and Will', John and Ken met when they were 17 and playing football in the 97 Squadron of the Air Training Corps, based at Norbury Manor School.

It was before World War Two had ended and the young men had hopes of serving in the RAF when they were called up for active duty.

"We didn't see any action because the war finished and I started training to be an engineer," added John. "We were all good friends in the squadron, it would be nice to see if others are still around."

John, a widower with two sons, a step-daughter, five grandchildren, three step-grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, is also a retired engineer who used to work at Croydon's famous Acc and Tab factory.

By coincidence Ken's late wife, who died last year, also worked there.

While the two friends caught up on old times, they vowed to meet again soon and want to find other surviving members of the 97 Squadron football team.

Were you a member of the football team? Call 020 8774 6590 or email