After four decades of cleaning Croydon's streets Derek Martin, nicknamed Cowboy, is holstering his broom, hanging up his uniform and riding off into the sunset.

Derek, whose love of 50s rock 'n' roll and country and western music earned him his nickname, is leaving the Stubbs Mead depot in Factory Lane after working as a road sweeper since leaving school.

The 61-year-old, who is taking early retirement on health grounds, said: "I went to St Christopher's school in the London Road; it's gone now, it's all houses. I came to work for the council and have been sweeping ever since."

During his 42 years' service, Derek has worked for the various companies that have won the council's street cleaning contract and leaves as an employee of Cleanaway, the current contract holder.

Councillor Gerry Ryan, cabinet member for streets and environmental services, said: "It's rare, nowadays, for somebody to hold down the same job all their life.

"Derek's to be congratulated for that but, more importantly, thanked on behalf of everybody in Croydon for helping to keep our streets free of litter and, as a result, a pleasure to live in."