A wish list of developments has been drawn up to regenerate New Addington's Central Parade, spelling an "exciting" time for the estate.

The plan includes new features for New Addington's main shopping area such as bringing new outlets to the area including food stores, a launderette, a bank and improved evening entertainment.

It is hoped the plan will help regenerate New Addington and Fieldway with more employment opportunities and instil a greater sense of community pride.

Both New Addington and Fieldway wards were identified in Ken Livingstone's London Plan as being deprived and in need of investment.

Councillors will be looking at developing a new medical facility to replace or supplement the current Parkway Medical Centre at the north end of the parade, which is operating at maximum capacity.

A council spokesman said the plans are at an early stage and no financial figures have been drawn up but the council hopes the money for the improvements will partly come from section 106 agreements deals which enable the authority to ask developers involved in schemes to contribute to community projects.

And to improve the area's image Croydon Council will be considering a marketing campaign including a new logo for the estate.

New Addington Councillor Brenda Kirby said the plan represents what residents want to see such as a new supermarket, a new education, training and job centre, and a possible extension of the swimming pool.

Coun Kirby, who represented New Addington between 1986 and 1994 and was re-elected in 2000, said: "It's going to take a while but I think it's very exciting.

"The plans represent a wish list of what people in New Addington have told us they would like to see. What they think will help regenerate the area."

She added: "That's the kind of community that New Addington is, it's a community of people who get up and make things happen.

"We want people to comment. We want people in New Addington to have their say.

"The overall effect is going to be great."

Jill Edwards, chairman of the New Addington Residents' Association, said she supported the proposals but wanted to see more detail.

She said: "I do support the plans but it's just a wish list at the moment.

"It's a case of wait and see if and when it will happen, but that's life."

The brief is due to be debated by the council's cabinet next Monday.