We hope your readers may be able to help us in our search for former members and associates of Croydon Youth Theatre Organisation (CYTO).

We are trying to contact as many of them as possible to invite them to join in the celebration, later this year, of CYT's 40th birthday.

We are especially looking for ex-members who would like to tread the boards again at CYTO.

Richard Vincent, former playwright in residence at the Warehouse Theatre, has written a play called Ruby especially for the birthday and it contains parts for actors from every decade of CYTO's life.

Rehearsals for the play begin in mid-September and auditions are this Sunday.

Any former members of CYTO interested in having more details of the production and the celebrations please call CYTO on 020 8655 1098 or email cytoshoestring@ukonline.co.uk.

Mary Wolf
Chairman CYTO
management committee