Good Friday has changed beyond recognition. I do realise that the restricted days of subdued Hot Cross bun teas and religious programmes I knew as a child, would loosen eventually. But has it changed for the better?

A certain local supermarket where every little helps is heaving with people on Friday morning. Bad-tempered ones to boot. Taking advantage of a public holiday and charging around with over-full trollies. A sense of panic in the air. The significance of Good Friday tossed away with such indifference, while having the benefits of a day off. And while I was very glad a well-known coffee retail outlet was open for business, I felt nostalgic for the way this holiday used to be.

I realise I am looking back through rose-tinted glasses , but to be caught up in this trolley rage? And permanent scowls? I’m glad to put those glasses on.

I am far from religious but could there not be more of an acknowledgement to the significance of Easter and the Christian festival that its supposed to be?

Sundays are bad enough with retails park brimming with people and churches left empty, making a day of rest laughable. But could not this particular holiday, once a year, be treated with a little more respect?