People in Croydon could end up paying the wrong amount of tax in April following errors in tax codes sent out earlier in the year.

Experts from the Croydon and District Society of Chartered Accountants (CDCSA) said pensioners, people with company cars and anyone earning over £100,000 could end up underpaying tax unless their codes are corrected.

CDSCA president Peter Willans urged employees to get in touch with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs(HMRC) to ensure they did not end up overpaying.

He said: “Anyone whose employer has not yet received a P9 form with the correct code will only be able to tell when they get their first payslip for 2010/11 and compare the code shown on it to the new one they received from HMRC.

“It is important to check your tax code and contact HMRC straight away if it is wrong because they will not contact you.

“If you don’t, HMRC may use a certain amount of guesswork when attempting to correct the position.”