Leatherhead’s integrated theatre company The Freewheelers are calling on disabled people to give them examples of times when they have been made to feel like they were from a different world.

They are also asking non-disabled people to tell them about occasions when they've not known how to behave when meeting a disabled person.

The award winning Freewheelers want to collect these stories of “embarrassing moments” as part of their research for a major new piece of work called "Audacity", which will combine dance, drama, video, projection and music.

The Company's own members have already shared some of their stories, which can be heard on the Freewheelers' website www.freewheelerstheatre.co.uk/projects/119-audacity-discussing-barriers.

But they need more examples from both disabled and non-disabled people to inspire their new work.

General manager Viv Colvill said: "We are exploring the meeting point between two worlds that shouldn't really be separate - between disabled people and non-disabled people. As an integrated arts company, much of our work is about presenting moments of harmony.

"This new work focuses on points of discomfort and clashes of assumption. They could be the briefest moments of confusion, and can occur between people with different disabilities, just as much as between non-disabled and disabled people."

The Freewheelers Theatre Company is looking for stories in any format. People can email details or send video, audio or creative work. There is a form on the website that can be filled in.
