A British National Party candidate for Croydon Council assaulted four anti-fascist protesters, a court heard today.

David Clarke, 41, Dunley Drive, New Addington, is accused of assaulting four protesters outside of East Croydon station on May 27 and May 29 last year.

Mr Clarke is currently running for election as a councillor for Heathfield Ward.

Croydon Magistrates Court heard the first incident occurred at 6.50pm on May 27 as anti-fascist protesters were handing out leaflets in an attempt to try and dissuade people from supporting the BNP at the station.

Two days later on May 29 he is accused of assaulting another two protesters, James Cox and his partner, Lorna Nelson-Homian.

According to the prosecution, Mr Clarke, who was wearing a t-shirt with the emblem of white-supremacist band Screwdriver, approached one of the protesters on May 27 and gestured for a leaflet.

When he was given one he grabbed the rest of the leaflets and threw them to the ground, he then pushed one of the protesters, leaving him “shocked and disturbed” and walked off.

According to Nigel Green, one of the protesters, he then returned moments later and said: “Are you still here? You know the Morden lot will be here soon, you know who they are don’t you?”

Mr Green said he then pushed a fellow protester, Sylvia Beckett, causing her to stumble to regain her balance after she almost fell over.

Mr Green said: “She was very upset and she was crying, she shouted coward and bully but I am not sure if he heard it.

Asked by the defence counsel, Miss Chloe-Jane Belton, whether he had instigated the confrontation by spitting and hitting Mr Clarke, Mr Green said: “Momentarily I put the leaflets behind my back and hoped maybe he hadn’t seen me.

“I think at the time I was thinking about how I could avoid a violent confrontation.

“I certainly did not hit him in the chest.”

Also giving evidence, Home Office worker, Miss Nelson-Homian said: “The man (David Clarke) came over and tried to snatch the leaflets. I moved back as he tried to take the leaflets again and in doing so he pushed me.

“He screwed them up while he was being abusive saying scumbags, filth, stealing all our jobs.”

Mr Clarke denies the charges.

The trial continues.