Botanica Medica,, the herbal dispensary in Sydney Terrace, Claygate, is organising several easy country walks on 13 and 20 May and on 10 and 17 June in Claygate and Cobham, where you can pick your own herbal medicines. Led by medical herbalists Jo Dunbar and Corinne Montenon, they will explain the healing properties of wild plants, known as weeds and trees growing in the Elmbridge area, tell old folk stories about these amazing plants and suggest wild plant recipes to try at home.

For example, nettles can not only make a delicious soup, but they can also be used to treat arthritis and hayfever. The weed mullein with its yellow flowers can treat dry cracked ears. According to folklore, it was known as ‘hags’ taper’ as it provided lamp light for the witches during their midnight incantations.

On Thursday 13 May and 10 June, Jo Dunbar will lead a walk in her herbal allotment in Cobham and show people what herbs she grows and how she makes a tincture from them. On Thursday 20 May and 17 June, Corinne will lead a herb walk in Claygate woods. The cost is £6 per person and the walk will last about an hour and a half. Dogs are welcome. For bookings and further information, please call 01372 470990 or visit The Botanica Medica branch in St Margarets is also running several easy country walks in the Marble Hill area. For more information, please call 0208 892 9227.