Sutton-based David Ross stole the world record on Saturday for running the fastest marathon dressed as a cartoon character.

Dressed as Fred Flintstone and carrying an inflatable club, David Ross, 42, finished the London Marathon in three hours, seven minutes and 34 seconds.

He beat the record set last year, by a runner dressed as Bananaman, of three hours, 36 minutes and seven seconds.

Mr Ross, who was raising money for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, beat contenders dressed as Toy Story’s Woody and Buzz Lightyear to the finish line.

And with 174 previous marathons under his belt, he has certainly had plenty of practice.

Mr Ross said: “I got a bit tired saying yabba dabba doo, but it’s a very proud moment. It’s been a good day.”

A spokesman for Guinness World Records said: “We would like to congratulate David on his fantastic achievement.”