A Wimbledon businessman has put his career on hold to write a book aimed at providing the definitive guide on how to tackle climate change.

From small tips on how to live a greener life, to lobbying government and businesses into action, Harold Forbes’ book How to be a Humankind Superhero is billed as a manifesto for individuals to reclaim a safe climate.

The Mostyn Road resident is now marketing the book, having taken nearly a year out from his consultancy career to write it, and said he was determined to expose the myths and realities surrounding environmental change.

The 51-year-old said: “This really started out of a feeling that we’re all struggling to get to grips with the issue. It’s kind of bizarre that the biggest threat we face receives relatively little action and is surrounded by confusion.”

The book, split into 12 parts, loosely mirrors the story of Hercules in Greek mythology with each part providing a step anyone can take to lessen the impact of global warming and make the world safer.

The writer added: “Part of the problem is that what you’re asked to do - to stop, reduce and reuse - creates a negative message that’s difficult to sell. But individuals can reduce their own footprint by 20 to 50 per cent and also make a massive contribution towards building a force for change.

To find out more, or to order a copy, log on to the book’s website - hksuperh.com