Tom Brake
Liberal Democrat
Carshalton and Wallington

Q. What are your views on the MPs' expenses issue?

A. Scandalous behaviour from a minority of MPs. The expenses system is in urgent need of reform. We need total transparency and the public deserve the power to be able to 'boot out' irresponsible MPs.

Q.If you had to pick the single biggest issue you will campaign on as MP for the borough, what would that be?

A. Working with the local community to ensure the £219m investment to redevelop St Helier Hospital and the local care centres is delivered!

Q.What is your biggest regret?

Having taken on over 60,000 pieces of casework, not being able to resolve Gordon Warren's case, I don't want it to be the one that got away - I'm still working on it.

Q.What was your biggest achievement at school/university?

Building up an Amnesty International group at university and securing the release of a politcial priosner from Benin.

Q.Do you believe in euthanasia?

A. I struggle to comprehend how it would feel to be in a position to have to make such an awful choice. I think all of us do. Ultimately I think it is something that Parliament needs to tackle head on rather than leave the topic in legal limbo.

Q. Have you ever smoked cannabis?

A.Twice - many decades ago.

Q. How did you get involved in politics?

A.Through environmental campaigning with organisations like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth in the early 80's.

Q. How long have you lived in the borough?

A.20 years

Q. Have you ever belonged to another political party?

A. No

Q. What do you recycle?

A.Everything that it is possible to recycle in Sutton, including jokes!

Q. If you have one item on a desert island, what would it be any why?

A.The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck, because of the strength of the characters in it and its portrayal of human suffering. I can read it over and over again.

Q. Where would you least like to live in the borough and where would you most like to live in the borough?

A.I would least like to live above my noisy constituency office, I am very happy living where I live now - in Wallington.

Q. What is the borough's best attribute?

A. The parks and green spaces provide ample opportunity for family time (outside of election time).

Q. Do you agree with abortion or are you pro-life?

A. I believe in a woman's right to choose.

Q. What's your favourite biscuit?

A. Chocolate digestive.

Q. What happened when you first got drunk and did you learn your lesson?

A. I was sick. I learnt my lesson after a few more unfortunate episodes.

Q. What annoys you?

A. People who drop litter.

Q. Do you do the washing up or do you get others to do it?

A.I do my fair share.

Q. Apart from a house what is the most expensive item you have bought for yourself?

A. A new 'low emissions' car, a very ugly Renault Modus.

Q. Facebook or Twitter?

A. Facebook, but am keen on anything that makes MPs more accessible.That's why I run regular advice surgeries on Facebook.