Q.What are your views on the MPs' expenses issue?

A.Some MPs were greedy and acted irresponsibly. “Serve the country and people” principle has been compromised and the reputation of the “mother of parliaments” was in question. It is not acceptable and that is why “renew our democracy” agenda is very important. Constituents should have more say how the MPs are being elected (voting system should be changed to reflect the wishes of people) and power to recall MPs. It’s high time that we have an elected house of lords!

Q. If you had to pick the single biggest issue you will campaign on as MP for the borough, what would that be?

A. Safety – I will fight to tackle fear of crime and to increase police numbers although Crime is falling due to the investment in police. But some politicians have been talking up the fear of crime and blaming the media. There should be more investment in the Youth Service to work closely with the Safer Neighbourhood Police teams to meet young people on the streets and develop more activities to divert them away from antisocial activities. Parents and families have a lot of responsibility here. We already have tough sentences and regular amnesties. Knives are not acceptable and possessing one leads to both a prison term and increases the risk of you being a victim. The modern technology like finger prints, DNA profile could be used to track down the knife users. We already provide drama and discussion materials for schools, but we need to do more for young people and support for parents to reduce the culture of violence which leads to the use of knives and other weapons.

Q.What is your biggest regret?

A. Not spending more time with our daughter when she was growing up.

Q.What was your biggest achievement at school/university?

A. Academically I was quite good and was able to get a scholarship to study abroad. But my biggest achievement was to lead a student movement against injustice and repression. Student politics taught me to appreciate the importance of helping vulnerable people, who are not fortunate enough to help themselves.

Q.Do you believe in euthanasia?

A.It is a difficult one for me. I believe it is wrong to end some one’s life in an unnatural way. But having seen my own mother going through unbearable pain for a considerable time I have shifted my position and open to be persuaded. I think we should not be rigid on issues like this and individuals should be allowed to take their decisions as long as they are in a state of sound mind.

Q.Have you ever smoked cannabis?

A No.

Q.How did you get involved in politics?

A.While I was a student, I got involved with student politics, which led to “serious” politics. I always believed in fairness, equality and justice hence got involved with Labour party when I came to this country.

Q.How long have you lived in the borough?

A. Although I do not live in the borough, I have a long standing connection with the borough since 1991. I have had some business interest in Carshalton Beeches and I was the GLA candidate for Croydon and Sutton in 2008.

Q.Have you ever belonged to another political party?

A.Not in this country

Q.What do you recycle?

A. We try to recycle all our household materials (what goes in to the door step collection boxes) except food. I was brought up in a modest income family and from childhood was taught not to waste food. I take bulky rubbish to the nearest amenity centre.

Q.If you have one item on a desert island, what would it be any why?

A.It must be the collection of “Rabindranath Tagore” the first Bengali Nobel prize winner for literature. He is not only a poet but a philosopher who helped to shape my early thinking and love for nature.

Q.Where would you least like to live in the borough and where would you most like to live in the borough?

A.I like the green and village image of the borough. If I get elected I will definitely move in to the constituency. I do not have a preference as long as I have a small garden where I can spend some of my free time.

Q. What is the borough's best attribute?

A. It’s diverse community. Sutton Borough is a big community consisting of various communities. It is vital that every person is proud of where they come from and where they live. We can not judge people by their appearance. We all have to play our part to make the borough more prosperous and harmonious. We can change things by getting involved and everyone has a duty to vote and vote sensibly. I would encourage your readers to do so.

Q. Do you agree with abortion or are you pro-life?

A. Again it is a difficult one. To save a mum’s life when endangered by pregnancy one must not be dogmatic. Yes I am sitting on the fence. We need to rely on scientists to clarify when life is life to make up our mind.

Q. What's your favourite biscuit?

A.Any biscuit will do.

Q. What happened when you first got drunk and did you learn your lesson?

A. I have never got drunk.

Q. What annoys you?

A.Most of the time I get annoyed with myself for not doing enough.

Q. Do you do the washing up or do you get others to do it?

A. I share with my family members

Q.Apart from a house what is the most expensive item you have bought for yourself?

A. My first car (Toyota starlet, when I was still a student!)

Q.Facebook or Twitter?

A. Facebookish!