John Clarke
Sutton and Cheam

Q. What are your views on the MPs' expenses issue?

A. I think its disgusting how they used their expenses to boost their earnings.They should only be claiming for things they need to do their job, most MPs' have forgot on that they are public servants they should be doing the job because they want help people and not to get rich.

Q.If you had to pick the single biggest issue you will campaign on as MP for the borough, what would that be?

A.Immigration I would like to keep Sutton a stable and cohesive community.

Q.What is your biggest regret?

A.Not studying politics at school or university.

Q.What was your biggest achievement at school/university?

A.Passing my City and Guilds exams in engineering at Croydon college.

Q.Do you believe in euthanasia?

A.To a certain degree yes if two or more doctors agree your condition is terminal.

Q.Have you ever smoked cannabis?

A.No I'm very anti drugs, on account of some people I have known have died through drug abuse.

Q.How did you get involved in politics?

A.I did not like the way the country was changing through mass immigration and liberal attitudes.Then a friend introduced me to the British National Party.

Q.How long have you lived in the borough?

A.I don't live in the borough although I would like to.

Q.Have you ever belonged to another political party?

A. No.

Q.What do you recycle?

A. Everything I can.

Q.If you have one item on desert island, what would it be and why?

A. A radio I love music.

Q.Where would you least like to live in the borough and where would you most like to live in the borough?

A.I don't dislike any part of the borough but if I had a choice I would like to live in non such ward.

Q.What is the borough's best attribute?

A.It's history and people.

Q.Do you agree with abortion or are you pro-life?

A.I am pro-life ,but do agree with abortion under certain cases eg if the baby is badly handicapped ,if the woman has been raped or if the baby is a very high risk to the woman's life.

Q.What is your favourite biscuit?

A. A chocolate digestive.

Q.What happened when you first got drunk and did you learn your lesson?

A.I can't remember the first time I got drunk , did I learn my lesson? Probably not, mind you I hardly ever get drunk nowadays.

Q.What annoys you?

A. Rudeness and dishonesty.

Q.Do you do the washing up or do you get others to do it?

A.Yes I do the washing up.

Q.Apart from your house what is the most expensive item you have bought for yourself?

A.My music centre and my very large record and CD collection.

Q.Facebook or twitter?

A. Facebook.