Kingston’s Labour party is putting housing as their top priority and claims there was no difference between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives.

Labour is hoping to improve upon, or at least hold on to, its only Kingston Council seat, held in Norbiton by veteran Councillor Steve Mama. The party is putting forward candidates for all 48 seats.

Coun Mama said: “The Lib Dems have been in power for the last eight years and they have shown that, in terms of social provision, they are no different from the Tories.

“After 24 years on the council I expect not to get mixed up with issues to do with Gordon Brown and the national election. But if people choose make their decision like that, then so be it.”

The highlights of the manifesto include:

- Oppose all increases in pay for senior council staff

- Guarantee to clear graffiti, litter and dumped rubbish within 24 hours

-Offer cash rewards for evidence that leads to conviction for “enviro-crime” such as fly-tipping.

· Encourage Kingston University to focus on recruiting students from the local area

· Create a new Executive Member for Social Inclusion