John Dodds
English Democrats
Sutton and Cheam

Q. What are your views on the MPs' expenses issue?

A. Disgusted! The Police haven’t gone far enough with prosecuting the guilty parties – paying back the money is not enough – there was widespread fraud and obtaining money by deception. I thought they were crimes in this country – the Police/CPS should have been much more vigorous in going after the guilty.

Q.If you had to pick the single biggest issue you will campaign on as MP for the borough, what would that be?

A.Schools – getting the Greenwich judgement overturned – every year the pain and anguish for thousands of Sutton’s parents as they try and negotiate their child’s transfers to Secondary School.

Q.What is your biggest regret?

A.Launching the UK’s first Karaoke Bar! It seemed like a good idea.

Q.What was your biggest achievement at school/university?

A.I didn’t shine I’m afraid, probably Milk Monitor.

Q.Do you believe in euthanasia?


Q.Have you ever smoked cannabis?

A.I couldn’t say! My kids might read this.

Q.How did you get involved in politics?

A.Very recently – I’ve just got angrier and angrier about MP’s expenses and how they spend (waste!) our money on schemes (Bank Bailouts! ID cards, NHS Computer systems, Regional assemblies in England, the EU etc etc); and felt I had to try and do something about it.

Q.How long have you lived in the borough?

A. About 25 years – first in Sutton, then around 14 years in Worcester Park

Q.Have you ever belonged to another political party?


Q.What do you recycle?

A. As much as possible – Paper, Glass and Clothing.

Q. If you have one item on a desert island, what would it be any why?

A.Suncream – I burn easily.

Q.Where would you least like to live in the borough and where would you most like to live in the borough?

A.Very happy in Worcester Park. Wouldn’t like to live on any busy road ( The By-Pass etc)

Q.What is the borough's best attribute?

A.It’s not Croydon!

Q.Do you agree with abortion or are you pro-life?

A.I agree – I think the law now is about right.

Q.What's your favourite biscuit?

A.Plain Chocolate Digestives.

Q.What happened when you first got drunk and did you learn your lesson?

A.I suffered. Unfortunately, It’s one of those life lessons that you never quite learn.

Q.What annoys you?

A.Litter, Rudeness, Soap Operas and Reality TV Shows (except The Apprentice).

Q.Do you do the washing up or do you get others to do it?


Q.Apart from a house what is the most expensive item you have bought for yourself?

A.My 1st Car – a Ford Fiesta 1.1 Popular Plus – in Brown – it could do nearly 60mph! Downhill.

Q.Facebook or Twitter?

A.I have to say Facebook, as I’ve just started a Page for the election.