Nearly half of Kingston voters remain undecided as the election campaign enters its final week, according to a Surrey Comet straw poll, apparently giving would-be MPs everything to play for.

Reporter Martin George visited the four town centres and stopped people on the street at random asking them "who are you planning to vote for in the general election?"

The survey was unscientific, but of 100 people chosen, suggested the Liberal Democrats had a narrow lead over their Conservative challengers, leading 25 per cent to 21 per cent, with just 5 per cent choosing Labour, but all were dwarfed by the 46 per cent who said they had yet to decide.

Voters showed a high level of interest in the general election but cynicism about politicians, with many saying they would wait for the third televised leaders’ debate or election day itself to decide who to support, if anyone.

Conservatives appeared to be strongest in New Malden with 32 per cent, compared to the Lib Dem’s 8 per cent, while the Lib Dems led them by 30 per cent to 15 per cent in Surbiton.

Tolworth also recorded a Lib Dem lead, while Kingston saw the two main contenders in a virtual dead heat.

Tolworth was the only area showing any support for the UK Independence Party or the British National Party, who are not fielding any candidates.

Kingston: Conservative 5, Lib Dems 6, Labour 1, Don't know or undecideds 13

Surbiton: Conservative 5, Lib Dems 10, Labour 1, Don't know or undecideds 9

Tolworth: Conservative 3, Lib Dems 7, Labour 1, BNP 2, Don't know or undecideds 12

New Malden: Conservatives 8, Lib Dems 2, Labour 2, UKIP 1, Don't know or undecideds 12