Two men have been prosecuted for fly-tipping by Sutton Council.

Billy Smith, 27, of no fixed abode, was caught red-handed dumping builder’s rubbish in three locations across Sutton in early January and was fined £215.

A witness identified Smith's truck at the scene and reported it to the council.

Waste from two other renovation projects were found at Danbury Mews, Wallington on January 4, 2009, and the Diamond Riding Stables in Woodmansterne Road on January 6, 2009, and traced back to Smith.

Also sentenced was Martin Kitchener, 64, of Kew Crescent, Cheam, who was fined £415 for dumping waste at Oldfield’s Industrial Estate in March.

Kitchener denied leaving the rubbish in the industrial estate but admitted that he had collected it from a house renovation in Acre Road, Kingston.

He told the court that he had left it in his own garden and a passer-by took it off his hands.

Daniel Ratchford, Strategic Director of Environment and Leisure at Sutton Council, said: “In both these cases the criminals have attempted to make money by offering to get rid of other people’s building waste but have failed to dispose of it properly.

“Those who do not respect for our environment and let rubbish pollute Sutton’s streets and open spaces will be tracked down and brought before the courts.

"I appeal to all residents to let us know if they see anyone fly-tipping – we are all part of the team that keeps Sutton clean.”

If you witness a fly-tipping incident call 020 8770 5070.