By Community Correspondent Maria D’Silva

The time of year is fast approaching where students across Merton gear up for the exam season. One exam is all it takes for students to be judged on the knowledge they have gained over the past year- just one. It is a frightful thought isn’t it? However, here’s an equation for you: Exams + revision + positive thinking = Success! Get ready for many tears, tantrums and mood swings in the next two months, however, remember it will be worth it in the end.

The purpose of exams is to see what a student is capable of, to test what they have learned and observe what skills they have gained- there has to be some sort of measurement to indicate to universities and future employers about what a particular individual is able to bring to their establishment. Without exams how would they be able to distinguish between individuals and choose those best suited to their particular establishment? Nevertheless, at the same time many individuals cannot cope effectively with the stress that inevitably accompanies exams and are not able to demonstrate in those few hours that they are indeed capable of so much more. So, is there a balance?

The answer is yes in most cases. Coursework is an important aspect of some courses which allow students to demonstrate what they can do in a relaxed environment without the added pressure of an exam atmosphere. It is a chance for them to excel and gain extra marks before they take the exam. Furthermore, many subjects now have modules where students sit two or more exams- this gives them more than one chance to exhibit their skills and takes the pressure off slightly knowing that the past years work doesn’t just rely on one exam.

The fact is, unfortunately, everyone has to do exams. However, think positively- every individual has a chance to display what they can do so why not take advantage of the situation? Revise, do your best and you have nothing to worry about. If anything, we might even have it easier with modules and re-sits which weren’t always available for students before us. So be positive, revise and shine!