A school garden has been transformed into a living classroom by children and parents.

Councillor Ben Khosa, the borough’s deputy mayor, visited Stanley Infant and Nursery School, in Teddington, on Monday to officially open the outdoor area.

It was designed by the garden’s patron, Teddington resident Cleve West, a Chelsea Flower Show gold medal winner, award-winning garden designer and writer for the Independent newspaper.

Pupils and parents then chipped in to bring Mr West’s design to life.

A new logo for the garden has also been created by year 2 pupil Jake Muncey, who beat competition from runners-up Gabriel Jefferson, Hollie Smith, Evie Davies and Siddy Docherty.

Classes regularly use the garden – which has flowers, a pond and a bird box – for music, drawing, story telling, environmental education and much more.

Louise Lawson, speaking on behalf of the team that created the garden, said: “With the arrival of spring, the garden has come to life. It is now an area where a whole class can work.

“The children are very enthusiastic about outdoor learning.

“They have planted bulbs, which are now flowering and are keen to spot the frogs which have spawned in the enlarged pond.

“Blue tits are nesting in the recently installed bird cam box. The camera will send images to every classroom computer, so children can watch the birds caring for their chicks in real time.

“Stanley Infants’ new living classroom promises to enrich the learning experience of all the children at the school.”