By Community Correspondent Ruba Ameen

Yes, the question mark is intentional. Due to all of the recently intense focus on the 2010 Elections, I feel it more suitable to enlighten you in another long-standing event that has sadly lost its limelight in this particular month of this particular year. The event to which I proudly refer is The London Marathon. By definition, it exists as ‘a contest of great length requiring exceptional endurance’ and so unfortunately is not ideal for all members of the population. But that is no excuse for its recognition to falter.

As an event established in 1981, The London Marathon remains one of the most world-renowned contests of its kind. Aside from its popularity, it is also key to remember its dedication in charitable giving; in 2006 alone, around £315 million was raised through the sponsorship of the countless committed runners that swarmed the especially traffic-free roads in the heart of our City of London.

I think it essential to recognise the many different positive attributes to our traditional London Marathon. It possesses not only a remarkable generosity in its donations, but also is the setting in which many strive to beat their own personal bests. In this way, it achieves the perfect balance between a healthy competitive streak and selfless donation.

And so, I encourage the most part of our nation, who are presently becoming immersed in the phenomenon of political campaigns, to turn their focussed attention this Sunday to a slightly different obsession, as some of the fittest of our time persevere sweat, tears and grave muscle strain toward the London Marathon finish line.

It is, in my opinion, the perfect momentary release from the stressful ambience of political tension that is intensifying in the run to The Elections. At least by absorbing the London Marathon fever, there can be much less of a chance of disappointment.