A protest group has been created by Streatham's largest community organisations to oppose plans to build an ice rink on Streatham Common.

The Hands off Our Common group was formed at a meeting on April 28, following increased concerns about the implications of the temporary rink earmarked for a site on the common while the Streatham Hub development is built.

A reworking of the Hub plans were given the green light by Lambeth Council in March, meaning the current ice rink would be knocked down before the new one was built.

Council bosses said the only current feasible site for a temporary rink in the area was Streatham Common.

Widespread concern about placing the immense structure - big enough to house an Olympic size rink - on the metropolitan land led community groups including Sustainable Streatham, Streatham Society, Streatham Festival, Friends of Streatham Common, the Open Spaces Society, and Streatham Action to form the protest group.

It also has the support of residents’ associations surrounding the common in the Stanthorpe Triangle, Telford Park, Ferrers Triangle and Streatham Vale.

The group, that opposes the structure and is calling on the council to examine alternative locations, has now proposed a protest event on May 9 on the common.

Some residents fear the rink could become permanent should Tesco and Lambeth Council drag their feet over the delivery of a new leisure facility housing a state-of-the art rink, leisure centre, and swimming pool.

Council leader Steve Reed said he understood residents’ concerns, and said the council would explore alternative sites with no plans being made before a widespread consultation.

He said Tesco would sign a legal contract before any development plans were rubber-stamped to guarantee the rink was temporary, with no Tesco store allowed to open before the proposed leisure facilities.