With many parties wanting to win the election this year – the three main parties being: Labour, Conservatives, and Liberal Democrats – each trying to convince the British population on major issues such as: the recession, immigration, unemployment, and many more. Raising issues that they believe could impact towards a better Britain.

Gordon Brown leads the Labour party, David Cameron fronts the Conservatives, and finally, Nick Clegg takes charge of the Liberal Democrats. This year however, a difference was made in how the three parties could connect to the public: via televised debates. This means each of the three parties will have their say in how they would run the country in front of a live audience. There were three debates that took place, one airing on ITV, another on Sky, and the last on BBC. Confrontation and arguments are guaranteed between each of the parties, as they fight for what they believe could benefit Britain.

For all of the three major parties, they have each received mixed reactions from the public - with thoughts of even having a hung parliament.

However, be sure to make a decision, and remember to cast your vote on May 6th – whether it is going to your local polling station, by post, etc - with the announcement of who won, on May 7th 2010.