By Community Correspondent Sofia Popov

Croydon Central is a highly sought and closely fought seat in the general election considering that the Conservatives took the south London constituency in the last election with just 75 votes.

Gavin Barwell, the Conservative candidate for Croydon Central, has campaigned with endless leaflets that state: "Our message to people in Croydon is very clear. If you want change don’t vote for an independent or one of the minor parties - they'll get a Labour MP and five more years of Gordon Brown."

Personally, I have received dozens of leaflets enlisting the same reason for voting Conservative: to not get “five more years of Gordon Brown." It seems that the Conservatives are basing their campaign on degrading Gordon Brown, instead of advertising and demonstrating their manifesto, such as putting up endless posters of a smiling Gordon Brown with headings such as “I TOOK BILLIONS FROM PENSIONS VOTE FOR ME.” Such a comparison seems tacky, especially considering that other parties take a more honourable approach.

Gerry Ryan, the Labour candidate, has sent me only one leaflet in which he details that his main aims are to make Croydon safer, healthier and greener. He depicted how he developed “a programme of new street lighting across Croydon Central” and did not attack opposition. I have yet to hear from the Liberal Democrats, but, sampling Nick Clegg’s local Sutton visit, he demonstrated a tactful and honourable approach through illustration of why his party should be chosen, instead of why the other parties should not.

Still, without Lord Ashcroft’s funding, other parties are disadvantaged as they can’t afford to send personalised leaflets and display countless advertisements.

Let’s simply hope that substance will override style and superficiality, and propaganda will not prevail, this General Election.