Neighbours have united against a plan to create an “industrial building” on the site of a long-running, traditional bowls club.

A proposal to demolish the Magdalen Park Bowls Club headquarters, in Wandsworth, and build a new facility with an indoor bowling rink - a first for the borough - as well as six three-storey houses has failed to win over the community surrounding the site.

Residents claim the planned development would lead to unbearable traffic and parking problems in and around Magdalen Road, result in a loss of privacy and light for their homes and increase “noise and disturbance” in the area.

They are also worried that existing greens will be paved over and replaced with a large “box-like” building unlike anything else in the road.

Oliver Wordsworth, who has rallied more than 40 neighbours against the proposal, said: “Residents really are livid.

“My main concern is that they're planning to turn a beautiful bowling green into a block of houses in what looks to be a monstrosity.

“If what was there already was an eyesore I wouldn't mind, but green space is so important in London as once it's gone it's gone.”

Michael Phelan, of Magdalen Road, said: “The development at best will resemble an industrial building squeezed between residential buildings or a garden infill development.”

Louise Bell, 33, of nearby Heathfield Square, said the houses “look like they’ve been dropped from outer space”.

But developer Steve Downey, whose father is a member of Magdalen Park - which was founded nearly 100 years ago - said the proposal was designed to save the struggling club.

He explained it was a joint development with its members, had the backing of sporting bodies including Sport England and could be used by the whole community. Mr Downey rubbished campaigners’ claims about predicted problems.

He said: “This will put a sport facility in a good financial state and give them the funds to carry on in the future - and bring youngsters into the game.”

No one from Magdalen Park Bowls Club was available to comment. The proposal will be considered by Wandsworth Council’s planning department when the consultation ends on July 29.