What are the most important issues in Thornton Heath, Bensham Manor and West Thornton?

ThorntonHeathlive will be hitting the streets in October asking what you hate and love about life in Thornton Heath, but we want to get the discussion going right away.

What could be done to improve the area? Do you want more activities for children and young people, or a better mix of shops?

Do you ever get involved in any community or voluntary activities in Thornton Heath? Are you in a residents' association, an in bloom group or a club?

Are you satisfied with access to services like schools, police, healthcare? If not, what is the problem?

How has the credit crunch affected you?

Comment on this article, upload your thoughts using the Join In link in the top-left of the main page, or send an email to me at mdidymus@london.newsquest.co.uk Based on information supplied by Mike Didymus.