The son of two well respected teachers found stabbed to death in their south Croydon home has been found guilty of manslaughter.

Serial “liar” Daniel Dighton stabbed his parents to death in the home he shared with them in Campden Road.

The 36-year-old admitted to killing them in a fit of anger after his mother called him a “f***ing idiot” but denied murder claiming diminshed responsibility saying he was provoked and did so in a fit of insanity.

He was cleared of murder and convicted on two counts of manslaughter at the Old Bailey by a majority verdict of 11 to 1.

He has been sentenced to an indeterminate term, to serve a minimum of 15 years for each count of manslaughter to run concurrently.

Sentencing Judge Timothy Pontius said: "I have no doubt you do genuinely regret what you did.

"The full horror of your acts on that day and the devastating consequences to the rest of your family are likely to remain with you for the rest of your life.

"You were not an ill treated child, unloved and neglected for years, finally snapping and killing your hated abusers.

"Rather the evidence demonstrates very clearly yours was always a loving and close knit family. Your parents were affectionate generous and caring, to the extent that you were regarded by some, and indeed yourself, as a spoiled child.

"You have described them as magnificent parents and your childhood as fantastic. I accept you loved them as much as they loved you, hence the heavy burden of responsibility you bear for causing their deaths in such an appalling act of truly horrific savagery.

"You undoubtedly lacked their motivation and full self confidence and this, no doubt, fell short of their expectations.

"I must, and do, have careful regard for the fact that your responsibility for your actions was substantially diminished.

"Prison is the only realistic course open to me. Your future behaviour remains wholly unpredictable."

Dighton stabbed his mother Elizabeth, 60, more than 20 times before turning on his 61-year-old father Barry.

Police found Barry Dighton's blood-spattered body slumped in a living room chair when they arrived several minutes later, with his wife's body lying nearby in a pool of blood.

Cops followed blood drips upstairs to find Daniel Dighton hiding in the loft smoking a cigarette, with blood stains on his jeans.