Newsquest South London has teamed up with UK AWARE - Britain’s largest and longest running sustainable lifestyle show - to offer readers the chance to attend the event absolutely free!

The show, at the London Olympia Two venue March 25 and 26, is a one-stop shop for contemporary sustainable living.

Now in its fourth year, the exhibition aims to show how small changes can make a big difference and how sustainable living doesn’t mean compromising a modern lifestyle.

It will feature thousands of innovative products and services ranging from cars to computers, from fashion to food and from eco-tourism to energy saving advice and lots more.

UK AWARE also has fascinating debates with speakers from Google, BT, The Mayor's Office, IKEA, DEFRA, LSE, WWF and The Green Party.

Interactive workshops also range from "Sex, Money, Shopping" to the who, what, why, when and how of recycling. And visitors can also test drive the latest in eco transport innovation, from scooters to cars, on the indoor test track.

And for fashion buffs, visitors are being urged to clear out their closets and bring up to five items to exchange to re-vamp their wardrobes.

And for the kids, the Cool It Schools Kids area will be offering a range of workshops, including lessons in how to knit, make a mini notebook from recycled materials, make a Bird Box or a Bee Hotel with our expert Robin Dean and join our treasure hunt on Saturday.

To claim your free, Newsquest-sponsored ticket (normally £7), simply visit and follow the link to buy tickets before entering code NQ2011.