Prince William ties the knot with Kate Middleton on Friday 29 April, sparking wedding fever in the borough.

The latest figures show 37 roads across the borough will be closed to allow street parties to go ahead with dozens more to be held in people’s homes and gardens.

Top of the pile in London, as of Tuesday, were Richmond and Newham who have received 64 and 63 applications respectively.

Borough archivist Kath Shawcross said: “We have some wonderful pictures in our local studies collection of how people in Sutton celebrated previous royal events, such as the Queen’s Coronation or the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer.

“It would be lovely to record people’s memories of William and Kate’s wedding, which is sure to be a special day.”

Figures put together by the Local Government Association show that there are 500 street parties planned for London on 29 April, which works out at about one event for every 14,000.

In Sutton, the figure is nearer to one party for every 4,600 residents.

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