Residents from a home in Streatham, which provides care for people with severe disabilities, will be showcasing their artistic talents at an exhibition next month.

Budding artists from The British Home in Crown Lane, which accommodates up to 90 adults with long term medical conditions and disabilities, have been invited to exhibit their art work at Myjumbie Affordable Art Gallery in Crystal Palace as part of the Crystal Palace Overground Festival.

The exhibition will be open to the public on August 13 from 5.30pm at the gallery in Church Road and all proceeds from the sales of the paintings will go directly to the artists.

Phil Alexis, owner of Myjumbie Affordable Art Gallery said: "We are really pleased that residents from The British Home are able to join in the celebrations at the Crystal Palace Festival. I have heard so much about the work the charity does and about some of the residents’ fantastic art work."

To find out more about the event call Jo Bodley on 0208 670 8261 at The British Home or Phil Alexis on 0208 133 7080 at the gallery. Alternatively email