A wildlife charity has warned of the dangers of anti-freeze this winter after a badger died from poisoning.

The Wildlife Aid Foundation, based in Randall’s Road, Leatherhead, dealt with two cases in the past week of badgers who became unwitting victims of anti-freeze poisoning.

One badger died instantly which the other is fighting for its life at the wildlife hospital.

Founder Simon Cowell said: “These were not cases of deliberate poisoning but appear to have been accidents - just the result of the badgers licking at a puddle of anti-freeze. “It is a very common problem and wild animals often die this way.

“But not just wild animals, it is also a danger to domestic pets.

“Just three or four licks of anti-freeze can kill a dog or cat.”

Children could also be at risk with just 10ml of anti freeze able to kill a child, warns Mr Cowell.

He added: “Even a single lick of anti-freeze by a child is all it takes to cause horrific ulceration of the mouth, and any more than that is potentially extremely dangerous, and often fatal.

“It really is not worth taking a risk like that.

“If you spill any anti-freeze, or see any spilt around your garage, driveway or garden, please make sure it is cleaned up straight away.”