Two shops have been caught selling knives to teenagers just two weeks after a family man was stabbed to death in Mitcham.

Following the murder of 28-year-old Akilankumar Kanthasamy, a Tamil from Harrow who was stabbed outside a community centre in South Lodge Avenue, Pollards Hill on Saturday, October 22, Merton Council launched a series of undercover visits to shops with a 15-year-old child.

Over two days, the teenager visited 14 shops and was able to buy knives from two shops, which are being investigated and may be prosecuted.

Since April, there have been 32 test purchases of knives in Merton, with six instances in which knives were sold to children, often without even asking their age or if they had identification.

Councillor Andrew Judge, the council’s cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration said: “Most retailers take on board the advice and support provided to them and are responsible in recognising their role in the local community.

“Regrettably some are not and so we hope the work the team is doing and the actions we are taking to prosecute will send a warning to those willing to allow dangerous goods such as knives to get into the wrong hands.”

Merton police, which assisted the operation, were able to report more positive news that no shops were found selling alcohol or fireworks to under-18-year-olds during the period leading up to Hallowe’en and Bonfire Night.

On every occasion, police said, shop staff refused to sell to 15-year-old undercover police cadets and asked them for proof of age.

“It's another great example of how effective our Volunteer Police Cadets (all local teenagers who freely give up their time to support their communities), are and the hard work they contribute to the borough."

Whether a shop commits a crime or does the right thing, it is send feedback on the test purchase and given feedback.

To find out more about the Volunteer Police Cadets, visit or call 0208 649 4013.

What more do you think can be done to combat knife crime? Contact Omar by calling 020 8722 6335; tweeting @OmarOakes or emailing: