A club which uses social media to reunite drinkers with lost property has been named the best in Kingston at this year’s Best Bar None awards.

The Acorn, in Richmond Road, carried off best pub award with the King’s Tun opposite Oceana in second place.

Best club was The Hippodrome, praised for a social media based lost property scheme, followed by Oceana.

Ros Morgan, chief executive of Kingstonfirst, said: “I’m pleased to see so many applicants to Kingston’s Best Bar None scheme.

“It demonstrates how seriously our licensed premises take the safety and security of their premises.”

Leigh Whitehouse, chairman of the Safer Kingston Partnership, said: “This initiative is designed to work in parallel with the information they need to make informed decisions about which venues are well-run and demonstrate a highly responsible approach to personal safety.”

There were 14 bars and pubs which were accredited under the scheme. The awards were handed out on November 8.