By Mrs M. Saints; Bushey Road, Raynes Park

I would like to make a comment on your article about Wimbledon Station.

Why has it been altered so that no cars or taxis can pull up outside the station entrance? The parking, as such, that has taken up the bus stop is stupid.

There is only room for four cars, then the person has to drag a suitcase or luggage up the slope. How about when it is raining?

But the real reason I am writing is about the bus stop outside Centre Court.

There are now six buses stopping at this area – and if you are unlucky to want the last bus in the row – it has shut the doors before you have got to it.

I bet whoever altered all this, goes the other way, in his or her car. So it does not affect them trying to get home.

I think they have spoilt Wimbledon town centre with all these alterations and roadworks.

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