Hinchley Wood School has been designated outstanding in its latest Ofsted inspection.

Headteacher Steve Poole said they were delighted and that the inspection had captured the ethos and spirit of the school.

The report said: “The students work exceptionally well together in this harmonious and cohesive community and achieve outstanding outcomes.

“This is as a result of the good teaching they receive, excellent interventions for those who underachieve and a well-structured curriculum with some innovative aspects.”

Inspectors observed 45 different lessons and held discussions with students, staff and parents.

Aidan Fudge, chairman of the governors, said: “The school now has an environment where students genuinely want to learn, academic achievements are excellent and the opportunities for personal development are truly outstanding.

“We will not, however, become complacent and are looking forward to continue working together to sustain the outstanding judgement.”